UN Liquid pail for European ink producers

For transporting UV inks, light pails (PP) were normally used. These pails suffered many incidents during transport and handling. UV inks do not dry if they are not lighted with a high concentration of UV rays, so one single broken pail may result in high costs of cleaning and a lot of annoyance for stockist, carrier and final user.
Change of UN regulations and Goals.
Between 2002 and 2005 most of the UV inks became classified as dangerous goods (class 9) and required a packaging with a UN certification for liquids. As no open top plastic container existed on the market, we took the opportunity to develop a new pail, meeting high levels of technical requirement. After developing the mould, we certified our new ROPAC 5 L UN Liquid pail.
We started to supply this new pail to two main inks producers in Europe. Our new 5 L UN Liquid pail rapidly became the standard packaging solution for many other UV printing inks producers. Our customers using the new RopacUN Liquid pail save on costs related to damaged pails, such as claims, cleaning of trucks, airplanes and stores. Our innovative container has been awarded a Swiss and a World Star!
Our UN Liquid pails are now the new standard for the UV ink industry. The Ropac pails, made from 100% virgin HDPE, are UN certified for hazardous liquids, class Y and Z, packing group II and III, 100 kPa. The lids can be optionally provided with flex-spout.