Should you just accept that your logistics is inefficient?

Hey, logistics expert. We know your worst nightmare. It goes a little bit like this. You have 5,000 boxes, crates and other containers to manage. That’s just too many to handle efficiently. The result: half the time you don’t know where those assets are, or what’s inside. Or who’s handling them, and how.
As a logistics expert, you know all too well that this lack of efficiency must have negative consequences. There will be human error, resulting in damage and loss of stock, and delays in delivery. Inevitably, these factors push up the cost of your operation – not only threatening your bottom line, but also weakening your position vis-à-vis your competitors.
This fight for more efficiency is a daily struggle, and one that seems to have no definitive solution. In other words: it’s a nightmare you can’t seem to wake up from. So, should you just accept defeat? And simply learn to live with the fact that a greater number of assets automatically, mathematically translates into more inefficiency? The answer is, absolutely and emphatically, no.
Schoeller Allibert has a solution that will surprise and delight you. Tune in here next week for more on SmartLink®, the high-tech tool that turns your logistical nightmares into logistical dreams!