Schoeller Allibert - Davos 2022

Schoeller Allibert gave a glimpse of their view on smart returnable plastic packaging in Davos. This annual meeting provides a platform for prominent figures, including heads of state, experts and academics, innovators, and the world's foremost CEOs.
The ever-advancing globalisation is a multi-layered process. Of course, international trade has many advantages, but there are also negative aspects. The ever-growing volume of trade consistently creates more waste. A sustainable solution to this global challenge is needed and we as Schoeller Allibert know we can help.
Returnable transit packaging is designed to prevent waste and encourage the reuse and repair of materials. For example, while recycling a bottle crate of Schoeller Allibert, which easily lasts 10 to 15 years and after its life cycle gets fully recycled into a new bottle crate. Together with the switch to renewable energy at our production sites, this closed-loop or cradle-to-cradle approach reduces the carbon footprint of a bottle crate by FACTOR 8. To reinforce sustainability, even more, Schoeller Allibert is ensuring the circular economy is within reach. Without the necessity of making a large investment, Schoeller Allibert makes sure that customers can already rent our solutions. Thanks to renting the closed loop can be guaranteed. Moreover, to our buying customers, we offer to buy back the plastic products that have reached the end of their life cycle to ensure a cradle-to-cradle approach.
In addition, Schoeller Allibert introduced SmartLink®, a platform that allows customers to track their goods and generate actionable insight to improve their supply chain and therefore lower transport costs and reduce waste during the process.
No matter if you rent or buy products from Schoeller Allibert, we will make sure you are on the right side of the future, the sustainable side. Watch as Davos unpacks how Schoeller Allibert is "Making SMART plastic packaging too good to waste".