PRESS RELEASE: Survey shows that Schoeller Allibert customers in Germany are extremely satisfied

The survey shows that Schoeller Allibert customers in Germany are extremely satisfied:
The recommendation rate is almost 100 percent
Berlin - Schoeller Allibert, the specialist for returnable packaging solutions, cannot but be happy with its very satisfied customers. This is the result of a survey the company recently carried out. The vast majority of users firmly believe in the company's product quality, service and price-performance ratio. Almost all customers would buy Schoeller Allibert products again - and even recommend them.
High quality, short delivery times and fair prices - for users of packaging and transport systems, these are decisive criteria when choosing a suitable supplier. The company wanted to learn directly from its customers to what extent Schoeller Allibert in Germany meets these requirements. The response was overwhelmingly positive: A stunning majority of 88 percent of respondents are "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with Schoeller Allibert in general. "We have obtained exceptionally good approval ratings in all categories," says Managing Director Hans-Joachim Wiedmann with satisfaction. "The user has been impressed above all by the quality, ease of use and design of our products."
Nearly 700 customers were contacted by the company, two-thirds of which via the company's own webshop. This has also been praised in ratings: Both visual appearance and ease of use, as well as the staff's friendliness and telephone availability, have been particularly well graded. "Our customers also appreciate our excellent consulting skills and the ability to deal with individual requests," adds Wiedmann.
98 percent maintained they would buy the products of the packaging specialist again - and 96 percent even recommend them to other companies. "These numbers make us of course very proud because they are a clear confirmation of our good work besides being a great recommendation for future orders," says Wiedmann.
Most customers would buy Schoeller Allibert returnable packaging solutions again and even recommend them.