Packaging that helps show your commitment to food and pharma hygiene

In our increasingly connected world, packaging hygiene matters.
Despite dropping slightly since the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, hygiene clearly still ranks strongly among the factors people consider when making a purchase. According to a recent survey, 75% of consumers feel hygiene and safety are of significant importance to product packaging, placing it above other considerations like ease of use and durability.
This presents a problem for the food and pharmaceutical sectors. Packaging used in these markets needs to protect contents from damage, while also guaranteeing impeccable hygiene standards. Without strict hygiene measures in place, reusable packaging used for these applications can quickly become a hotspot for bacteria and mould, transferring contaminants again and again with each trip through the supply chain.
Of course, the industries involved in these markets are aware of this challenge and have long-established hygiene and safe handling protocols in place. However, as consumers increasingly factor hygiene into their purchasing decisions, and the markets become more competitive, packaging that clearly demonstrates a business’s commitment to this area can provide a competitive edge.
Single-use packaging is not a viable option for any business that cares about its impact on the planet. The benefits of a reusable packaging model in terms of sustainability are well-established; minimising virgin resource extraction and energy consumption, plastic returnable transit packaging strikes the perfect balance between environmental impact and product protection in the world of logistics. Instead, businesses need to carefully consider how the packaging they use can keep its contents fresh and safe throughout its entire supply chain journey.
Developed in response to growing awareness around health and safety requirements, Schoeller Allibert’s Purity line comprises a range of products made from antibacterial materials. This range, which includes, JumboNest® and Combo Excelsior®, protects goods from bacterial growth and moulds, ensuring hygiene is maintained through every step of the container’s journey.
The Purity range works by incorporating anti-bacterial compounds in the plastic surface of the container, where it interferes with bacterial enzyme production. This limits the energy that the bacteria can produce, while also disrupting cell DNA to limit replication.
By inhibiting the growth of these substances – or destroying them outright – Purity packaging can achieve reductions in bacterial growth of up to 99.99%. This helps it provide complete protection against bacteria in the legionella family, including E. Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus, which are the most common bacteria found in food contact environments. If required, the material can also be adapted as necessary to safeguard against other common kinds of bacteria. To further guarantee hygiene, Purity products can be safely washed at temperatures up to 80°C.
What’s more, like all other Schoeller Allibert packaging, the Purity range is recyclable, helping to close the loop on virgin plastics entering the supply chain.
With hygiene playing an increasingly large part in consumer decisions, Purity packaging helps keep food and pharmaceutical products fresher, longer. To find out more about whether our Purity range could be right for your supply chain needs, or should you require protection against other common bacteria, get in touch today by emailing and we can evaluate and test your requirement.