Magnum Optimum 1208, most innovative and eco-friendly packaging of 2020 in the Conai Packaging Award

We are proud to share that our Magnum Optimum 1208 has been appointed as one of the most innovative and eco-friendly packaging of 2020 in the 7th edition of the Conai Packaging Award.
Among the 289 projects taking part in this 2020 edition, just 160 passed the first assessment and only 92 companies have been awarded.
Our Magnum Optimum 1208 passed all assessment and reached the 54th position while no one of our competitors’ products has been classified among the winners.
About the Conai Packaging Award
This award is related to all innovative packaging systems launched on the Italian market between the years 2018 and 2019 and consists of a prize of 500K€ that will be shared between those participants that are able to demonstrate that they improved their old packaging systems by creating new versions that are more innovative and eco-friendly in terms of recycling, reusability and usage of recycled material (the amount in Euro that every winner can win depends on the score obtained by the product presented).
All the packaging models in competition were tested by taking into consideration the Life Circle Assessment in terms of Global Warming Potential, Gross Energy Requirement and Water Footprint.
All products that resulted satisfactory in at least 2 on 3 indicators listed above, passed to the final evaluation; this year 289 projects have been presented and only 160 passed the first assessment.
The second evaluation was focused on more specified information such LCA, technical information, certifications, patent certificates, etc.
List of all the winners :