Decathlon Pally Magnum®

Using 800 x 1200 Magnum Helium® for large products and fast moving references and Prelog CMB® for small goods and slow moving, Decathlon needed an intermediate size container easy to move in shops aisles.
Oxylane Decathlon is the world leader of outdoor activities equipment and sport goods
The group revenues reached 8 Billion € in 2014 ( of which 3 Billion€ in France) The total number of Employees is around 65 000 people .
Oxylane Decatlhon has two main activities :
Design and manufacture of sports goods Branded owned Retail stores and web shops
In Most countries logistics organization encompasses 2 types of distribution centres : “continental platforms “ (CAC) “regional platforms “ (CAR) The 6 French CAC deliver the 10 CAR using light FLC Magnums Helium® 1200 X800 mm The 10 French CAR deliver the 288 stores in both Mangum Helium® and Prelog CMB 600X400X400 mm
The project main objectives are:
Improve logistics efficiency form the Regional platforms to the stores Speed up display shelves replenishment in stores Improve in- store access for small point of sales France was a pilot scheme before global implementation.
Initial situation :
800X1200 FLC needs a forklift or pallet truck to be moved inside stores Some stores have narrow aisles and FLC is too large FSC 600X400 cannot replace FLC as many product references do not fit in like tennis rackets , flippers ,golf clubs … An easy moving wheeled 800X600 solution sounds ideal
The wheeled 800X600 FLC Pally Magnum® ( based on 2630610 Magnum ) 2 CMB FSC can stack on top , securely fastened with lid and straps Developed in cunjonction with LOADHOG the Pally magnum® provides Decathlon the perfect solution :
Large enough for awkwardy sharped soort goods, but small enough for slow to medium moving references
Agility of logisitcs and in store work has increased and return on investment proved to be so fast that Decathlon has started impelmenting this solution in most regions worldwide