AB InBev new Jupiler Orange Gold beer crate

AB Invev new Jupiler Orange Gold beer crate
World leader of beer industry with a production of 446 million Hectoliter production per year, AB Inbev has operations in 24 countries.
JupilerOrange Gold is one of the main beer brands of AB Inbev. Jupile ris a growing brand in the Dutch competitive market. In 2005 the company launched the 24 x 0,25 l beer crate for the Belgian Market in a new design. After the successful replacement AB Inbevtook the decision to introduce also a new bottle crate in the Netherlands.
These new 24 x 0,25 l JupilerOrange Gold crate should displace the old one which was also produced by SchoellerAllibertlong time ago. For the soccer world championship AB Inbev. the new designed crate should be launched.
Schoeller Allibert wanted to provide AB Inbeva crate which underlines the brand awareness and acceptance in the market.
After the successful launch in Belgium AB Inbevplanned the innovation of the crates for the Netherlands too. Important was the similar design of both crates to emphasise the brand family of Jupiler. The new 24 x 0,25 l crate for the Netherlands differs regarding the middle handle which has a soft touch grip and a redcolor. The new version has also inmouldlabels whereas the old crate which was used in the Netherlands was printed with silkscreen technique.
To avoid the mix of the Belgian crates and the Dutch the beer crates are not interstackable.
The new crates perfectly fit into the Jupiler family
The brand imagewill be promoted
The crate is user friendly because of the soft touch grip in the middle
The crate is not interstackable with the Belgian one